W.Stevens Consulting Services
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Personal Coaching is...

As your Life Coach I will be like your...

Mentor - to help you create bigger visions and goals

Manager - to help set strategies and monitor your progress

Personal Trainer - to keep you in action

Sports Coach - who can see things to improve your game

All rolled into one and committed 100% to bringing out your best.

Working together... you will be able to...

Change habits
Strive for bigger goals
Make personal breakthroughs
Look at things in a new way
Improve personal / organization performance
This happens because you will be challenged to do things differently, committed to achieving something more than you have before, rewarded for not only achieving your goals, but also from your personal journey.

One-to-one Personal Coaching in detail

Coaching is delivered in twelve x 1 hour weekly sessions.

This may vary in timing and intensity. For example, clients who complete an initial series may wish to continue on a fortnightly or monthly basis.

Sessions are held either face-to-face or remotely by telephone. Both methods are effective and a mix is often used because of timing / commitments over the 12 week period.

The coach is available by phone, fax and email between sessions.

I will work closely with you to define, clarify and achieve your personal goals.

In the first session we develop 3 inspiring and challenging goals.

The second session develops broad strategies to achieve each goal.

Sessions 3 to 12, deal with insights, blockages, strengths and weaknesses to maintain momentum towards your goals.

You've heard of Life-Coaching but don't know what it actually feels like?

We understand this and offer the initial session, which takes about 1.5 hours, on a no-obligation basis.

That way you get to see how it works, what it feels like and have up to 3 great goals before you make a decision.

I invite you to contact me now to arrange an obligation-free first session of a 12-week personal coaching series.

Case study...

"I am exactly where I want to be and that is no mean feat after trying to get there for 3 years without success."

"I have a life that is mine, one of my own design rather than someone else's. There is now a balance between my work, the people I spend time with, and the time I spend on myself."

"The 3 month coaching period was a real journey which changed the way I approached things internally as well as the significant external changes in my life on a business and professional level."

"Life coaching has had an impact on my life. I leave the 3 months with significant insights and the motivation to challenge myself with further goals."

Our coaching provides

Professional ethics with a high level of integrity

Absolutely committed to the development of our clients goals and objectives.

Aware of issues and challenges faced by executives and small business owners

Compatability dealing with busy high 'net worth' individuals and executives

Insightful with good communication skills and exceptionally good listeners

Confident and successful coaches in our own right